wix seo small business

WIX, A Solution For Your Small Business ?

With over 200 million users around the world, WIX seems to be the next best thing in website building! With many small businesses owners opting for this new drag and drop website creator, is it really all that it claims to be? Some swear by its ease of use and functionality, but others seem to be swearing at it rather than by it.

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Small Business On Google; Challenges and Solutions

Organic search delivers 53% of total site traffic. And that figure is growing yearly. Google dominates the industry, with a 90%+ market share. For small businesses, ranking on page 1 is often what makes the difference between keeping heads above water and filing Chapter 11. Showing up on Google is relatively easy. Just pay. But the problem is that paid search is becoming increasingly expensive.

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Australian Pokémon Go Statistics

Nearly one in two Australians have played Pokemon Go. A recent study involving four surveys and a total of 4000 people throughout Australia shows that 47% of online Australians have already played Pokemon Go. Our respondents were both mobile and desktop users from a wide demographic spread. Players by Age The addictive game is being played in the bathroom too. We asked 1000 Australians about the weirdest place they’ve caught a Pokemon and nearly 15%

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