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An open-ended survey of 1,500 Australians conducted by Discovery Content in mid-October this year shows positive sentiment towards Greta Thunberg.

Excellent example for youth to take action on climate change. Vote to change governments with no policy for climate change. Loved her speech. Hope she becomes a future leader.

Female, 65+, Queensland

She is highlighting the climate change problem and its action now required which a lot of national leaders eg Scott Morrison of Australia is dodging pandering to the coal lobby

Male, 65+, Victoria

She’s cool. She’s doing something important that others need to listen too. It’s a shame she isn’t respected because she’s a kid doing an adults job

Male, 18-24, Western Australia

Bold and inspirational. I’m only sorry that the adults in society have failed in their responsibilities to the degree that Greta needs to come forward and call them for it.

Female, 35-44, Australian Capital Territory

More than 50% of respondents support her message and activism, but there are those who don’t share the majority sentiment.

Understanding Negative Sentiment

What do you think of Greta Thunberg?
n=1,501 , Location=Australia, All Ages, All Genders

Almost 20% of our respondents show strong negative sentiment. While some don’t like her style, others believe her to be a child-puppet in the hands of adults with a political agenda.

Here’s the age breakdown of those opposed to Greta and her approach:

Interestingly, three-quarters of her critics are males.

Here is the breakdown of negative sentiment comments by state:

She is a tool of her parents. I feel sorry for her they stole her childhood.

Male, 65+, Victoria

An inexperienced, unskilled child being manipulated like a marionette.

Female, 35-44, Queensland

In Queensland, where protests by activist group Extinction Rebellion in Brisbane have caused major disruption, the sentiment was overwhelmingly positive. Only 60 respondents had a negative view compared to 129 positive responses, considering the media reporting in relation to the controversial Adani Coal Mine.

Of the negative responses, the following age insights (32 male, 14 female, 14 unknown):

  • 18 – 24: 4
  • 25 – 34: 11
  • 35-44: 3
  • 45-54: 9
  • 55-64: 6
  • 65+: 13
  • Unknown: 14

This article will be updated as we surface new insights.

To request access to raw survey file please email:

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